Friday, August 21, 2009

Avatar backlash bullshit?

James Cameron's Avatar trailer has hit the internet and hey, doesn't look half bad. Unfortunately everyone is too eager to crap on the movie for not meeting their overblown expectations but to be fair there has been an excessive amount of hype from both sides. Anyone who expected their minds to be blown, for Avatar to take them places they've never been before, or transcend whatever, let go. The movie will be good for what Cameron did/does best, blockbuster entertainment, and for those who really don't know, it's basically going to be Dances with Wolves in space. If you really want a movie to be something different, something beyond convention, you won't find it in Cameron's expensive VFX-fest, you'll find it quieter, subtler films like Moon and Solaris (I'm just trying to put it in the geek-sci-fi perspective). It's a good looking popcorn film but not much else and that's okay.

1 comment:

  1. So I was reading this post, and I was just wondering where it talks about your new girlfriend?
