G.I. Joe: The Rise of CobraI'll admit
it, I'm a Stephen Sommers fan, well, early Stephen Sommers at least.
Deep Rising and
The Mummy are two of the most entertaining movies of the 90s, hell I even liked his version of the Jungle Book starring that guy from
Ghoulies III: Ghoulies Go to College.
G.I. Joe doesn't quite reach the "just-plain-damn-fun" heights of his first films but it comes pretty damn close and it is quite the accomplishment after the migraine-inducing
Van Helsing. We've unforutnately experienced a summer of poop
, after the disappointing
Terminator: Salvation and the insultingly aggrevating
Transformers 2,
G.I. Joe is a actually a breath of fresh air in that it is a mindless actioner that actually delivers on it's simple promise.
You already know that plot doesn't matter in a film like this, so we have characters to rely on. Both the good guys and bad guys (the film isn't even boiled down to this idea, IT IS this basic concept) are filled with some great actors who (in a stroke of genius) take their roles with the utmost seriousness. It is also why the movie works so well, all the ridiculousness is played straight, there is no need for winking at the audience

During one of the film's many flashbacks, Duke (Channing Tatum) arrives at a funeral in a motorcycle and sunglasses, not only does this establish Duke as a douche for going to a funeral in a fucking motorcycle but he's wearing his sunglasses in the rain, only to promptly take them off when he arrives.
It's such a stupid, goofy, awesome moment in the film.

The entire cast looks like they're having fun, not a single performer is slumming it, and no one looks embarrassed to be in the film. Stand outs include, Christoper Eccleston who overpronounces every word as a egotistical arms dealer. Arnold Vosloo (The Mummy, duh) steals scenes as the oozingly slimy Zartan. As Cobra Commander, Joseph Gordon-Levitt is unrecognizable, clanking around with a James Earl Jones-ish voice devouring scenery left and right.
The action scenes work and aren't quite the mess that most modern action films adhere to. With the highlight being the Paris set-piece, remember those stupid suits in the trailer, well, they somehow are far more acceptable in context but still look goofy as hell. Another reason the action scenes should be commended is that all the characters are given something to do, with everyone getting their own "HOLY COOL!" moments. Rachel Nichols walks away from the film with one of the best kills. Oh yeah,
The Rise of Cobra has many "how did they get away with that?" moments too.
It's a little upsetting how rare it is to find a blockbuster that fully achieves its aspirations no matter how little they are. Rarely do these "popcorn" movies actually do their job, but thankfully
G.I. Joe is an exception, it's Sommers channeling every childish dream while working in some of his own James Bond fantasies. It's quick paced, all kinds of fun and you won't feel bad after watching it.