Carro Rojo (Red Car) - Not much to see here other than this is how all Mexican action movies are sold. Check out the latino James Dean just under our hero's cheek. We can also see the tradition in Mexican action movie posters that must always feature a helicopter somewhere in the poster.
I'm gonna go ahead and quit on the title thing, you can look it up yourself. Carrera Contra La Muerte features action superstar Mario Almada (you'll be seeing a lot of him in this series). Poster Highlight: Evel Knievel decided to show up literally in the middle of the poster.
I'll take a badly drawn poster over a badly photoshopped one any day. Not only does Encounter with Death (I've decided to translate the ones I know) feature Mario Almada but also his brother Fernando Almada. Two Alamdas for the price of one! I guess someone forgot to color the lady at the bottom. No helicopters in this one but there is a plane, close enough I guess.
The Law of the Streets - Mullet, motorcycle, denim jacket, and chain nunchucks. Nothing says exciting like an argument above a pool table.
The Bionic Macho? I have no idea what's going on here. But I do get Lite-Brite vibes.
A Thousand Miles South? Hell yes, Helicopter! The most interesting part of this poster is Jesus crying on the left side.
That's all I have the time for now. Look for a new installment in the near future. Thanks for enjoying!

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